Aerial Yoga Courses


“Learn to fly! We will help take you higher”

At Divine Yoga, we are proud to say that we are the First Aerial Yoga Studio in Nepal offering Aerial Yoga classes to the highest standard.

Move beyond flips, tricks, and gimmicks, we of offer authentic yoga, that works with gravity to relax and realign the body, centre the mind and uplift the spirit. We are here to take you from the ground up! Whether you have no training or have previous knowledge there is plenty to learn here! 

Our team, comprising movement specialists, yogis, and even artists who specialize in anatomy, have all come together to build a foundation that hones spirituality and science to ensure you have the tools that you need to step up your practice and feel elevated inside and out.

“This is our passion, and we hope to ignite and cultivate that in our students”.

Price for 90min Class

$10 Group Classes or 9 Classes for $90

$20 Private Classes or 9 Classes $180

What You’ll Learn

Our super, soft, aerial fabric hammocks will enable you to explore, refine, and advance traditional asana, both in the air and on the ground.

You will learn, composition of silks, deep pressure touch, the science behind meditation, physics of force of rigging, and the largest conglomeration of aerial yoga asanas with precise movement anatomy. You will keep coming back for more.


Plenty of enthusiasm!


Well! the first Asana you will learn is Dekasana (Airplane Pose) and why not, after all this is an aerial yoga class.

So, let’s get you flying!

Aerial yoga, gives a whole new meaning to yoga asanas. The idea of being suspended while exploring in an entirely new way combining the physical practice of yoga with elements of acrobatics through the use of a suspended hammock, will give you an invigorating experience.

You will start with ground asana warm up, moving to hammock warmup for strength building, so you can go from Dekasana (Air Plane Pose) to Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) or Viparita Shalabhasana (Superman Pose) to Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Mermaid Pose) and for the more advance enthusiast, why not try Vrischikasana (Scorpion Pose) to Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand Pose).

Whichever pose you learn, at the end of class, your sure to end up suspended in air, enveloped in a cocoon of fabric which is truly sensation, all ready for Shavasana (Corpse Pose) where you can experience the feeling of bliss, relaxing and meditating.

Attire - Avoid wearing buttons or jewellery.

Benefit of Aerial Yoga

Physical Benefits

Relieves compression in the spine

Challenges your central nervous system,
mental capacity + proprioception

Increases pull strength + core stability

Perfect for beginners + all other skill levels

A whole-body workout that engages
your small stabilizer muscles

Help heal + strengthen back injuries

Improve blood circulation + lung capacity
slowing the effects of aging

Improved stability, balance + functional mobility

Mental Benefits

Aerial Yoga creates new neural connections

Stimulates the pineal gland
increasing your calm + improving your sleep

Increases production of feel-good chemicals
like endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin + dopamine

Triggers neurotransmitter production

increasing well-being + happiness

Builds + reinforces self-confidence

Greater focus + concentration

Improves recall memory + retention

More mindfulness, gratitude + joy

Poses You Will Learn



Throat Chakra: Neck

Down Dog

Wide Leg Dog

Up Dog


Floating Child's

Floating Twist

Inverted Twist

Third Eye Chakra: Intuition

Leg Stretch

Half Moon


Warrior 3


Arms Overhead

Elbow Fold

Crown Chakra: Meditation

Angel Wings


Happy Buddha

Seated Bend

Happy Baby


And many more……….

Root Chakra: Spine




Sacral Chakra: Hip Opening

Sumo & Twist

Rock it Out





Hip Flexor

Solar Plexus Chakra: Core

Warrior 1 & 2





Cobra & Plank

Core Handstand

Heart Chakra: Chest

Back Bend


Half Lotus

Flying Monkey

Upward Monkey